When you’ve worked hard to secure your dream home you want it to perform as good as it looks. Thanks to Windsor’s broad selection of glazing options, you can choose the best fit for your home’s weather and environmental conditions.
In addition to our dual pane glazing options, Windsor now offers several high-efficiency triple IG glazed units which benefit from:
- Improved energy efficiency and insulation. Windsor’s triple IG glazed units are perfect for unnecessary loss of both heating and cooling internal temps in even the most extreme climates, offering a more comfortable and energy efficient home. If you’re looking to maximize your home’s views and architectural appeal with an expansive use of glass, triple IG glazed units will maintain its comfort in style.
- Improved sound proofing. With three layers of glass separated by insulated gas-filled spaces, these units dampen sound transfer allowing you to enjoy the peace and tranquility of your home.
Whether you experience chilly northern winters or hot southern summers, Windsor offers a tailor-made approach to your home’s needs so you can enjoy the ultimate in energy efficiency and comfort for years to come.