Your next Windsor window may have received a very important seal of approval: Windsor Windows and Doors President Mark Rieser’s. On June 3, Mark job-shadowed Brock Leggins, Document Control and Product Specialist. To get hands-on experience and understand more about Windsor’s level of commitment to producing a quality product, Mark and Brock went through all of the quality-critical check points associated with the line, which are vital to ensuring correct operation and function of the units.

They also went through in-process inspections, assessing windows for proper fit and finish.During this time, Mark and Brock also discussed the types of issues that sometime arise at this point, and discussed solutions and ways to continue to improve.

“In my position, I don’t get out on the plant floor as often as I would like, so being there for a first-hand experience helps to provide better context for me at the decision-making level,” Mark said. “With the Quality Assurance department, I was very impressed with the attention to detail, efficiency and level of communication. Our people truly care about each other, their work and customers. I noted where we can improve safety and make investments in automation. In this tight labor market we can do both.”

Mark is enthusiastic about the opportunity to learn about segments of the company he doesn’t often get to spend time with. “It’s a great way to better understand each of our departments — how they interact, the obstacles and opportunities they face, and the role they play in exceeding customer expectations.” Stay tuned for his next adventure!
Watch for more features in our Windows of Opportunity series, where President Mark Rieser job shadows Windsor employees to get a floor-to-ceiling view of how Windsor works.