Windsor Windows and Doors strives to be ETDBW — easy to do business with. Eyan “Jett” Lindell and his Powder Coat Paint Line team exemplify that philosophy so much that it caught the attention of Windsor Windows and Doors President Mark Rieser when he was job shadowing the Des Moines-based crew last month.

The powder coat team oversees the painting of several thousand pieces of aluminum every day. In order to keep the line running smoothly, the equipment must be properly maintained, paint and chemicals well monitored, and processes audited to ensure the finish meets Windsor’s high standards.

“Jett and his team take complete ownership and strive to be proactive and ETDBW,” Mark said. “They know if their department does not deliver the painted metal with a quality finish on time to the line, then a back order will result. I was extremely impressed with the high level of process management, flow and discipline, coordination, and proactive communication.”

A large part of the team’s success can be attributed to Jett, who started his career as a saw operator and moved his way up through the company. After serving as the Group Lead on the Powder Coat Line for over a year, Jett was offered a Manager In Training position, a newly formed program designed to help team members develop leadership skills. “It has been a wonderful experience and I am honored to be in the position I am at Windsor and hope to continue to implement positive changes within the company,” Jett said.

Jett appreciated Mark’s willingness to visit the shop floor and get a thorough understanding of the intricate processes needed to ensure the best quality and efficiency. “He knows that the business is continuing to grow and wants to make sure his team has everything they need to succeed. I was humbled for the opportunity and I am glad we were able to discuss new projects and improvements made to the powder coat processes that will allow us to keep thriving in the future.”

And as for ETDBW? Jett says everything he and his team do have that goal in mind: “Mark was very impressed with the organization, communication and the relationships we have with our internal and external customers. That’s the key to our business motto, ETDBW — and we take PRIDE in that!”

Watch for more features in our Windows of Opportunity series, where President Mark Rieser job shadows Windsor employees to get a floor-to-ceiling view of how Windsor works.
Windows of Opportunity: Delivery Driver